Resolutions For the New Pilot in 2014

December 2013


Did you know that learning something new is one of the top ten resolutions people make for the new year? So for those looking for a new hobby, why not take up learning how to pilot a plane? To help you on your way, here is a quick list to coax you into taking to the air.

For the new pilot:

  • Safety first – Vow to always be safe in the air, and in turn keeping any passengers you may have safe, by always following procedures that are necessary before taking off. Have a pre-flight list prepared and use it; soon it will be second nature.
  • Maintain your aircraft properly – Just like anything other machine, airplanes require maintenance every now and again. Do maintenance after and before every flight, including every few months. Keep a schedule of when something needs to be replaced.
  • Take a trip – A flight takes a lot of planning, so kill two birds with one stone by integrating another resolution of taking more trips into your new year. Take a day trip for a picnic in a hard-to-reach by car location or plan a week away to a  picturesque area. If you’re into photography, make sure to bring a camera along. (These are from a commercial plane, but you get the idea.)
  • Get more education – Even if you’ve just taken the license test and have crammed your mind full, there’s always something new to learn. Talk to other pilots or read a book on flight and see what else you can learn.
  • Have fun – Why did you get a pilot’s license? Just like in life, make sure that what you are doing is enjoyable. There may be a lot that goes into piloting an airplane, but that doesn’t mean that you have to forget about getting the most out of it.